Dr. Hart Named 2021-2022 Distinguished Research & Practice Fellow

Dr. Walter Hart was recently named the 2021-2022 Distinguished Research and Practice Fellow recipient by the National Education Finance Academy. Dr. Hart will be recognized and awarded during the annual (virtual) NEFA conference during the first week of April.
The mission of the National Education Finance Academy is to provide a non-partisan policy forum focused on education finance. NEFA provides an international venue for annual collaboration among scholars, education practitioners, legislators, and policy researchers dedicated to understanding and improving education finance at all levels.
The annual conference of the National Education Finance Academy (NEFA) is a wonderful opportunity to disseminate research, and the Distinguished Research and Practice Fellows award is an excellent recognition of contributions to the field. It recognizes excellence among education finance and policy scholars and practitioners and supports contributions to applied education finance. This award supports contributions to perennial issues of P-20 education finance, including questions of equity, adequacy, productivity, and efficiency.