Alan Mabe

Alan Mabe
Alan Mabe is a Visiting Professor of Educational Leadership.
He is a native of North Carolina, having grown up in Pilot Mountain. He has a bachelor’s from Guilford College, a master’s and doctorate from Syracuse University and a Prosci Certificate in Change Management.
While he was also an instructor and visiting assistant professor at Syracuse University, his primary academic career was at Florida State University where he served as dean of the graduate school and initiated a lot of efforts in distance and online learning. Next, beginning in 2002, he spent over 8 years at the University of North Carolina system office serving first as Vice President for Academic Planning and then as Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. There he led the effort to expand the UNC system by over 50,000 students in the first decade of the 21st Century and led the team that developed the University of North Carolina Online.
After retiring from the system office, he spent four years teaching graduate courses at UNC Charlotte in the Educational Leadership Program and helped develop several of the new courses for the Higher Education Program.
Next, he spent three years in Washington DC, as the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer for the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, the primary national organization for public research universities in America. He was a co-PI on a pilot NSF grant to improve faculty diversity.
Following that, he returned to UNC Charlotte to continue teaching in the Higher Education Program in the Educational Leadership department and carrying out special assignments from the Provost’s Office regarding improving student success and equity for undergraduates and increasing diversity, equity and inclusion among STEM faculty.