Chuang Wang

Chuang Wang
Dr. Chuang Wang is Professor of Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation and Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte). He has received six National Science Foundation grants and served as an independent evaluator for four other federally funded research grants from the U.S. Department of Education. Dr. Wang also received eight state/regional grants in North Carolina and South Carolina. His expertise includes quantitative research methods, English language learner’s self-efficacy beliefs, and self-regulated learning strategies. He has published 8 books, 22 book chapters, and 193 peer-reviewed journal articles in highly reputable journals. He was listed as one of the world masters in English language education by China Daily and top 2% scientists
worldwide by Stanford University in 2023. In 2024, Dr. Wang received the Distinguished Faculty Award from the Cato College of Education at UNC Charlotte. He has also received awards in research, teaching, and service from UNC Charlotte and academic associations such as American Educational Research Association, the U.S. Academy of Educational Leadership, the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, and the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Educational Research & Development Journal and the Journal of Applied Educational and Policy Research.
Research Interests:
Self-efficacy beliefs and self-regulated learning behaviors of students, teaching and learning English as a second language, program evaluation, and validation of educational assessments.
Evaluation of the Assessment Practices to Support Mathematics Learning and Understanding for Students (APLUS). APLUS is to help elementary school teachers (K-2) guide their instructional practices in mathematics with formative assessments.
Evaluation of the Collaborative Research: Integrated Learning Environment for Cyber Security of Smart Grid. This interdisciplinary project is to design a smart grid simulation environment dedicated to security education programs that cover both cyber and physical systems.