Rich Lambert

Rich Lambert
Rich Lambert is a Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Director of the Center for Educational Measurement and Evaluation. He earned his Ph.D. in Research, Measurement, and Statistics and Ed.S. in counseling psychology from Georgia State University. He has received over 30 million dollars in funding for research during his career. He serves currently as the Principal Investigator for an award from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction entitled “Evaluating the Implementation of a Formative Assessment System in North Carolina Kindergarten Classrooms,” and an award from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services entitled “Coaching, Mentoring, Performance Evaluation, and Professional Development for BK Licensed Teachers in Non-public School Classrooms.” His research interests include formative assessment for young children, applied statistics, survey research methods, and teacher stress and coping. He has served the College Board and Educational Testing Service in the Advanced Placement Statistics program for over 25 years in various capacities including College Board Consultant, Reader, Table Leader, Question Leader, and Rubric Team Member.