Xiaoxia Newton

Xiaoxia Newton


Dr. Xiaoxia Newton is an applied methodologist whose scholarship is centrally concerned with using methodological tools in creative and productive ways to tackle educational problems pertinent in urban communities, with an emphasis on mathematics education and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)/CS participation. Her research, teaching, and service activities are all anchored around this research interest.

Research Interests:

  • Program evaluation theory and practice
  • Multilevel modeling applications
  • Capacity and equity issues in STEM and computer science (CS) education


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Social Research Methodology
  • University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

Professional Service (Selected):

  • President Elect, Faculty Council UNC Charlotte
  • Board Member, American Evaluation Association (2021-2023)
  • Fellow, Student Experience Research Network (SERN) (2021-2022)

Recent Publications (Selected):

  • Op-Ed, The Hechinger Report: Here’s a solution for attracting more Black, Latino and Indigenous talent to STEM — Start early. Access here.
  • Covarrubias, R., Newton, X., & Glass, T. (accepted). “You can be creative once you are tenured”. Multicultural Perspectives.