Kristin Villanueva

Kristin Villanueva

Adjunct Faculty
Educational Leadership

Kristin Villanueva received her Ph.D. in Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation from UNC Charlotte in 2024. Her dissertation, “Examining the Research-Practice Collaborative Model as a Framework For Bolstering Implementation of Educational Policy Initiatives: A Case Study of The North Carolina Early Learning Inventory,” explored the inner workings of a sub-level, teacher-centric improvement network and its effect on teachers’ professional identity and agency. Additional areas of interest include program evaluation, implementation research of K-12 initiatives, teacher professional identity, and improvement science methodology.

Kristin is an adjunct lecturer at UNC Charlotte in the Educational Research, Evaluation, and Measurement (ERME) department and a consultant for the Center for Educational Measurement and Evaluation (CEME) in the CATO College of Education.