Course Descriptions and Offerings
Master’s (6000)/Doctorate (8000) Courses
Each course is labeled with the following acronyms to indicate which concentration the course is best suited for.
SS – School Specialist
TD – Training and Development
OLT – Online Teaching and Learning
ELDT 5100 Technology Integration in Education (3)
SS – (typically offered in summer and fall)
Computer systems and software for enhancing teaching, learning, and educational management; examining issues related to the appropriate selection, integration, and evaluation of technology in educational contexts.
ELDT 6000/8000 Topics in Learning, Design Technology (3)
SS, TD, and OLT, depending on the topic – (typically offered in summer)
Variable topics in Learning, Design and Technology. May be repeated for credit with change of topic and permission of department.
ELDT 6100/8100 Foundations of Learning, Design and Technology (3)
SS, TD, and OLT – (typically offered in the spring and fall)
Contemporary issues and historical development of learning, design, and technology. An overview of learning theory, analysis and design of learning environments, instructional design models, technology innovations, and factors affecting the use of technology for learning.
ELDT 6101/8101 Learning Principles in Learning, Design and Technology (3)
SS, TD, and OLT – (typically offered in the fall)
The examination of how people learn in a variety of instructional settings. The characteristics of the different learners will be examined. Students investigate several learning theories to inform better instructional design decisions.
ELDT 6110/8110 Instructional Design (3)
SS, TD, and OLT – (typically offered in fall and spring)
Instructional analysis, design and evaluation principles and practices; gaining practical experience applying theoretical understandings of instructional design principles and processes such as goal and task analysis, learner and context analysis, instructional strategies, selection and development of instructional materials, and formative and summative evaluation.
ELDT 6120/8120 Current Trends in Learning, Design and Technology (3)
SS, TD, and OLT – (typically offered in summer)
The examination of current and future trends in Learning, Design and Technology. Students also examine the most current literature in the field and instructional technology professional organization trends and recommendations.
ELDT 6121/8121 Advanced Instructional Design (3)
SS, TD, and OLT – (typically offered in spring)
Advanced instructional design techniques. Students create instructional materials and learning environments using a variety of systems approaches. Prerequisite: ELDT 6110 Instructional Design
ELDT 6130/8130 Instructional Multimedia Development (3)
SS, TD, and OLT – (typically offered in fall and spring)
Planning, developing and evaluating instructional multimedia products based on learning principles and research-based best practices.
ELDT 6135/8135 Learning Media, Resources and Technology (3)
SS – (typically offered in spring)
Selection, use, and evaluation of technological innovations in instructional media. Students learn to make professionally sound decisions in selecting appropriate processes and resources to provide optimal conditions for learning based on principles, theories, and effective practices.
ELDT 6140/8140 Instructional Video Development (3)
SS, TD, and OLT – (typically offered in summer)
Planning, developing and evaluating instructional video products based on learning principles and research-based best practices.
ELDT 6145/8145 Visual Design of Instructional Products (3)
SS, TD, and OLT – (typically offered in spring)
Planning, developing, and evaluating instructional print and electronic products based on learning principles and research-based best practices.
ELDT 6150/8150 Design, Development, and Evaluation of Online Learning Systems. (3)
SS and OLT – (typically offered in fall and spring)
Fundamentals of creating effective online teaching and learning systems will be covered. Topics will include research-based best practices in the design, development, and evaluation of online instruction, technological applications available to support online teaching and learning, characteristics of virtual students, instructional methodologies for online teaching and learning, and future directions of online teaching and learning research. Differentiated assignments will be provided for doctoral students.
ELDT 6160/8160 Designing Learning Systems with Simulation and Game Technology. (3)
SS, TD, and OLT – (typically offered in fall and spring)
Educational game and simulation technology learning systems. Students examine principles of game and simulation design, and current research addressing the integration and use of games and simulations in education settings. Emphasis is placed on the use of instructional design principles to identify quality characteristics of digital games and simulations, and direct the design and development of these technologies for integration into instructional content. Differentiated assignments provided for doctoral students.
ELDT 6170/8170 Human Performance Technology. (3)
TD – (typically offered in fall)
This course provides an introduction to the field of human performance technology. It examines the basic concepts and principles of human performance technology, human performance system models, and various approaches to solving human performance problems. In-depth analysis of performance improvement interventions and their implementation within organizations is emphasized.
ELDT 6180/8180 LDT Project Management and Team Leadership. (3)
TD – (typically offered in spring)
Instructional design is project-based work that requires leadership and management without authority. To create effective project deliverables that are in scope, cost, and of high quality, LDT team members and leaders need strong leadership and project management skills. This course will assist learners in exploring LDT leadership and project management skills through case studies and applied learning design projects.
ELDT 6491 Internship in Learning, Design and Technology (3)
SS, TD, and OLT – (typically offered in summer)
Application of knowledge and skills in Learning, Design and Technology to create appropriate applications of processes and technologies to improve learning and performance. Must have completed 18 hours toward M.Ed. degree. Requires 100 logged working hours with a client on any type of learning, design and technology project.
ELDT 6492 Capstone Project in Learning, Design and Technology (3)
SS, TD, and OLT – (typically offered in fall and spring)
Prerequisite: ELDT 6100, ELDT 6110, and ELDT 6130. Continued application of knowledge and skills in Learning, Design and Technology and development of the capstone project to create appropriate applications of processes and technologies to improve learning and performance. Requires students to complete an LDT project regardless of hours, applying the entire ADDIE process. Students present the completed project to a committee of faculty at the end of the semester.
ELDT 6800/8800 Individual Study in Learning, Design and Technology. (1-6)
Prerequisite: Permission of the student’s advisor. Independent study under the supervision of an appropriate faculty member. May be repeated for credit. This course is only used in cases in which a student needs a particular course to graduate that is not offered and a there is no appropriate substitution available.