Post-Master’s Certificate in University and College Teaching

Post-Master’s Certificate in University and College Teaching
This 12 credit hour Post-Master’s Certificate in College Teaching will prepare graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, current faculty, and others with the skills needed for the full range of faculty responsibilities at a range of institutions of higher education.
Graduates will:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the issues facing American college students through an exploration of student development theories and an examination of the relationship between the college environment and student engagement and success.
- Develop concrete skills in teaching including developing a teaching philosophy, creating an effective syllabus, integrating effective instructional strategies, developing awareness of issues in college classroom and developing confidence in teaching style.
- Apply effective instructional design, adult learning principles, curriculum models and delivery formats to create engaging learning experiences
- Analyze, design, develop, and evaluate online learning including preparing online students, facilitating, fostering a sense of community, and administering online instruction
Course Requirements
You are expected to complete four courses to earn the Post-Master’s Certificate in University and College Teaching. While there is no required sequence for you to follow, however, you are recommended to take ADMN 8695 before EIST 8150.
ADMN 8695 – Advanced Seminar in Teaching and Learning (3)
ADMN 8171 – The American College Student (3)
ELDT 8150 – Design, Development, and Evaluation of Online Learning Systems (3)
GRAD 8201 – Teaching at the University Level (3) or EDCI 8681 – Seminar in College Teaching (3)
Admission and Progression Requirements, and all Program Requirements can be found in the Graduate Catalog. Please see the information below:
Who will benefit from this certificate?
There are several groups of students who will benefit from this certificate.
- Doctoral students from the various programs.
- Adjunct faculty and lecturers who are new to teaching.
- Community college faculty and new tenure-track faculty who are content experts but not trained in teaching pedagogies.
Courses as electives
In addition to earning the Post-Master’s certificate, these courses can also be counted as electives towards your doctoral degree (if your program has room for electives).
Apply Now to begin in the Fall, Spring or Summer Semester!
Type of Submission | Fall | Spring | Summer |
Priority Application Submission | March 1st | October 1st | April 1st |
Application Submission | August 1st | December 1st | June 15th |
Program Director
Ayesha Sadaf, Ph.D.